Moyo 2015
Ink and color pencil on hemp paper from Nepal, on prison-issued art board
15 x 21,5 cm
This past summer for my birthday a friend gave me a book as a gift, “Yoga: The Art of Transformation” which features all sorts of old art works surrounding yogic arts.
In some of the very old instructional texts and diagrams the yogis are depicted in very simple renderings that capture the elegance of the time and reflects to me the simplicity of the essence of yoga.
Those images reminded me of something I'd written in my journal sometime before:
Just an Old Yogi
When I grow old
I now want to be
a wise man
in-tune w/ the cosmos
so that
when I die
I won't die;
when I close my eyes
my eyes will open
and I will see
what I now only sense
and will BE
what I always have.