"How do we honour our grief, whilst allowing it to permeate our lives in a positive way, encouraging us to one our hearts and transform ourselves?"
The 2018 edition of the Buddhafield Festival in Somerset, UK, explored the theme “the Dance of Life and Death.” Moyo's Buddhas and poems joined the exploration.
As part of the program, Moyo's friends Josh and Jorinde facilitated conversations on the death penalty, solitary confinement, prison art, and Buddism in incarceration. The exhibition moved many individuals, some of whom returned on multiple days for continued conversation and others to sit in silence for a time.
Each day, a guided meditation took place in small groups while Moyo simultaneously meditated in his cell. In this way, Moyo was afforded a presence at the festival and something more of a connection to the people who experienced his art.
Photos by Josh.
We are always looking for ways for Buddhas on Death Row to be of service to community and dialogue.
Got an idea? Get in touch. Let’s build.